Saturday, April 2, 2022

March 31, 2022 - 4th day in Palm Spring

Today, we decided to to explore downtown Palm Spring. At lunch time, Helen suggested to try Farm, which is a traditional French style restaurant in the historic Plaza. The atmosphere was very nice (we were outside), the service was excellent and the food was delicious.

In their ladies restroom, we noticed the hand cream smells good and feels wonderful. Immediately, we took a picture of this hand cream with a brand name of 'Cowshed'. At night, we all went to 'Cowshed' website and ordered hand soap, hand cream and soap.

There are many shoppers on the main drag.  Mimi recognized one of the hat store.  We all went in to try out different kinds of sun hat.  Some are good for causal walking under the sun, some are good for travel (foldable and with neck tie). Each one of us bought one or more hats and modeled outside of the store. What a lovely experience!

We had salad, eggs, tuna in the refrigerator.  Since this is our last night at the Villa, we need to clean the refrigerator.  Helen quickly made delicious salad for us.

After dinner, Helen shared 10 quick meal recipes with us. It covers beef, chicken, fish, and vegetables. These are her lifelong cooking experiences of making wonderful quick meals. We wrote it down and will try out these dishes later.

We continued our chatting until Mimi could not hold on anymore.  We went to bed around 11:30pm.

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